Friday, September 16, 2011

Read some more...

Ladies, while others are busy with worthless talk, find your own corner and better be occupied with a material that's worth your time.
Skip the rubbish.
Grab the essentials.
Read history. It allows you too see yourself as part of a very big picture. History, with all its complexities, broadens your outlook. It makes you understand the world as it is now.  The rising and falling of empires, weird philosophies, intrigues, conquerors, conquests, developments, all other changes that flow from and in them, would give you a place of significance in this fascinating world. More importantly, reading through the past magnifies the Creator who is in control of everything.

Read poetry. Nothing beats good old poetry. Rhyme and imagery make the heart glow. Poetry puts savor to your words and grace to your mind. There's richness in it that never fades through time. 

Read while others party too much. The silence in your room makes feelings warmer than flashing thrill of noise and temporary excitement. Enough with destroying your eardrums and filling your tummies with junk!  

Read while others waste their time in front of the mirror. Your knowledge could add sparkle in your eyes more than a mere brush of tint. Your beauty comes from your brains and not from a mask of powder and color. After all,  real beauty is planted in the heart by the One and only real joy Giver. Let Him do the transformation and you will surely have a blessed glow! 

Read The Bible. Read it over and over again. It's history, poetry and all other wonderful things combined. It's actually God Himself talking to you and teaching you. Other books just give knowledge. The Bible gives heavenly knowledge and the power to make all other knowledge turn to wisdom. So feast on it. Heartily obey and follow it. When God commands, it's actually for every soul's good because The Maker simply knows best. Above all, His Holy Word reveals our status in God's eyes. With our helpless state, He lavishly revealed to us His love through Jesus. That sole kind of love that gives us life eternal and that perfect love that truly satisfies.

But hey, life is not all about reading! Paint your lips pink or red, make your nails glitter and do brush your hair. There's always time to spare. Stretch those lazy bones and dance to a beat. Dress as a princess and treat yourself at times. Be with the people you love and lavish them with your God-given grace and wits!

Then find another corner and read some more!

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

How Would I Know?

Would it come subtly
as the breaking of daylight,
Or would it strike me loud
As the storm that wakes my night?

Would I be aware of its entrance
delight at its coming
Or would take a hint
with resistance ever boiling?

Would it be elating
with sensations mutually felt
Or would it be kept in secret
with only a single heart to melt?

Would it ever come as hoped
soon light my eyes with beam?
Or would it just stay as it is today
perhaps, forever a dream.

written...October 30, 2004
my post Hearts' Day entry hahaha! : )

Thursday, February 3, 2011

I Have a God

I have a God Whom I don't carry
It's He Who gently carries me

I have a God Who can't be seen
But His Spirit sees me even deep within

And Oh, my God, He hates repeated, flowery art
But delights when I speak from the heart

He's The only God, Creator of everything I see
Not a single image can mirror His majesty!!!!

(May 26, 2010, Poipet)

I AM THE LORD, That is My Name
and My Glory will I NOT GIVE to another
neither My Praise to GRAVEN IMAGES!!!
(Isaiah 42:8)

To whom will ye liken ME or shall I be equal?
saith the Holy One.
(Isaiah 40: 25)

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

on Praising God and Feasting on His Word

from my journal last January 26.
God's Word brings a sweeeet, sweeeeet glow in my heart more than anything else...
a time of refreshing in His wonderful love!

With my whole heart have i sought Thee
Oh, let me not wander from thy commandments
-Psalm 119:10

Blessed are they that keep His Testimonies
and that seek Him with the whole heart.
They also do no iniquity
They walk in His Ways
-Psalm 119:2-3

Order my steps in Thy Word
and let not any iniquity have dominion over me.
-Psalm 119:133

I entreated Thy favour with my whole heart
Be merciful unto me according to Thy Word! : )
-Psalm 119:58

IS quick

and powerful
and sharper than any two-edged sword
piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit
and of joints and marrow
and discerns the thoughts
and intents of the heart.
-Hebrews 4:12

Lord, Thank You for Your favour and Your unfailing love..
I praise You for being The Only God
I praise You for Your perfection and Holiness
I praise You for Your greatness and sovereignty
I praise You for Your mercies that are new every morning
I praise You for being unchangeable
I praise You for Your lovingkindness

Your lovingkindness is better than my life and my lips will always praise You.

I praise You for Your wonderful works, Your amazing ways
I praise You for the way You touch my life and heart
I praise You for the millions of chances You give me
I praise You for Your gentleness
I praise You for how You restore me into Your loving embrace
I praise You for giving me eternal life
I praise You, Jesus for dying for my sins and for rising again
and for forgiving me from all my dirt and shame
I praise You Holy Spirit for Your working in my soul!
I will praise You, my GOD forever and ever!!!!!!!

Ye that love The LORD hate evil
He preserveth the souls of His saints
He delivereth them out of the hand of the wicked.
Psalm 97:10

Seeing that we have a Great High Priest
that is passed into heavens
JESUS, The Son of God
let us hold fast our profession.
-Hebrews 4:14

Truly, God's Word is sweeter than honey.. never fails to bring joy and light.. Psalm 19 : )